Monday, April 30, 2007

Short Book Meme

Jen has tagged me for the Short Book Meme. This is pretty cool because I love to read, though I mostly read non fiction these days. I'm sorry it has taken me this long to do it.

Name three characters (from books)
1.) You wish were real so that you could meet them.

My answers:

a.) Elsie Dinsmore - from the Elsie Dinsmore series

b.) Marty Davis - from the Love Comes Softly series

c.) Dink - from the Journey series

d.) Ira Pointer - from the Journey series (shhh I snuck a fourth one in there)

2.) You would like to be.

a.) Melanie - from Gone with the Wind (she was always so sweet, and never thought unkindly about anyone)

b.) Elizabeth Bennett - from Pride and Prejudice (she always had a comeback for everything)

c.) Elsie Dinsmore - (she is another character who thought the best of everyone)

3.) Who scare you.

This one was a tough one for me because other than the above books, I'm more of a non fiction reader these days. I can't remember being afraid of a character in any books I have read. I'm sure there were some I was afraid of when I was growing up, I just can't remember them.

Since I can't come up with any character from books, I will list two from two TV programs I watched when I was younger.

a.) Herman Munster from the Munsters - I think he scared me because he was so big, and he looked scary.

b.) Lurch from The Addams Family - he was always so creepy to me.

Hmm, who to tag? I will tag Linda, Christa, and Connie.