Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

What a surprise it was to find that Jen, at JoyfulthruChrist, and Connie, at Practicing Theology, both tagged me for the Thinking Blogger Award. It was a nice surprise at that, and an encouragement to me. Thanks guys, you both made my day!

Many of the ladies who make me think have been tagged already, including the two who tagged me. But, I will take a stab at it, and though I know the Purple Cellar has been tagged already, I couldn't leave them out:

The Purple Cellar
- Lydia and Jennifer's posts are both challenging, and convicting. My favorite post was on Hearts of Discretion, regarding modesty and other women's husbands.

Girl Talk - Carolyn Mahaney, and her daughters not only make me think, but they make me laugh too. You ought to check out their Friday Funnies. Friday Funnies is appropriately named because they always make me laugh.

Blakey Blog - Christa writes book reviews sometimes, and she is currently reviewing The Excellent Wife, by Martha Peace. She doesn't sugar coat anything, and tells it like it is in her review of this book. Though all of her posts are always good, her last one on quiet times is a must read.

Deo Volente - I couldn't leave Lisa out either. Lisa's writings have always challenged me to be accurate in what I say, and in what I write. She encourages me to glorify God in all that I do in living my life out before others.

Homeliving Helper - They challenge me to think about my role as a wife and mother, and to teach me how to improve in my homemaking skills.

Camponthis - Steve Camp's posts are thought provoking, and he challenges me to live out what I believe.

Paul Tripp Ministries - He's very transparent in what he writes, and he helps me think of ways I can apply the Scriptures to my daily life.

Pyromaniacs - While I like most of their posts, I've enjoyed the cessationist/continuist discussion the most. Because we were in an Assemblies of God church for over ten years, and out now for over seven years, those posts helped solidify my cessationist position.

Thanks again Jen, and Connie.

Connie, I finally added the link to your blog........I've been meaning to do that for awhile now, but kept forgetting how I got to it in the first place. I could never remember whose blog it was I got there by.